Cheers to the weekend

Have a Bone-A-Fide kind of Weekend!

Unmaking the bed

The bed was made this morning...  *taps foot*  I haven't seen Zoe unmake the bed since she was about 5 months old.  I guess she got a little too crazy wrestling with her giant teddy bear that I gave her.  He's the only stuffed toy that she wont destroy, probably because he doesn't squeak.

Either way, she looks pretty pleased with herself.  Sigh... lucky for her I have a ton of patience.  Silly pup!  What am I going to do with you?

Wordless Wednesday

Slow week

I know I haven't updated for a while.  Daniel had some dental surgery done last Friday so I spent the weekend taking care of him.  Zoe didn't even want to leave his side, it was like she knew he was in pain.  We did manage to make it to the dog park on Sunday but we mostly stayed at home or hung out with neighbors in the courtyard.

Yesterday we had dinner with our neighbor, Margot.  Zoe was thrilled that she got to play with her dog, Isabella.  Those two really know how to tire each other out.  It was quite funny watching Zoe drag Isabella all over the hardwood floors while playing tug-of-war.  She never loses a game of tug-of-war.

Wordless Wednesday

Sunny days and blue skys

Finally after a couple of days filled with rain and dark clouds, we had the perfect sunny day.  A neighbor and I wasted no time getting the dogs together to head to Millie Bush Bark Park.

Zoe and Hendrix were being so competitive with retrieving the tennis ball.  Sadly for Hendrix, Zoe is super fast and beat him to it most of the time.  After a while I would make her stay just so he could get a chance to get the ball himself.

I could just imagine him telling Zoe "oh, come on give me a chance.  I'm just a puppy."

Sunny, who was recently shaved was really enjoying herself as well.  With all that hair gone she seemed to be happy with just sunbathing and watching Zoe and Hendrix play.  

Not bad for a Tuesday.  Hopefully the weather stays this lovely through the weekend.

Good morning Sunshine

This was the perfect morning for a good long walk.  The cool breeze, and the fresh morning smell was therapeutic.  Zoe really enjoyed sniffing the grass and flowers.  "Stop and smell the flowers;"  Isn't that what our dogs teach us after all?

We passed the lake this morning and walked to a near by park instead.  Zoe's been here a few times and each time she stops by the volleyball sandbox and goes nuts in the sand.  Daniel and I call it "the zoomies."

She was really quite playful this morning.  I think she thought this rope on the bridge was meant to be like her rope toys at home.  Silly puppy!

There's nothing like a good roll in some freshly cut grass covered in morning dew.  Happy Friday!  We hope you have a blast this weekend.  :)

Wordless Wednesday

Easter Sunday at Surfside Beach

We spent the better half of our day yesterday at Surfside Beach.  The weather was perfect!  The only downfall was all the seaweed, but that's expected this time of year.

We were accompanied by our good friend Margot and her dog, Isabella, who isn't quite ready to be an off leash dog.  Though she still had a blast.  Zoe swam more than ever.  She kept wanting to follow Daniel out, not wanting to let him out of her sight.

She's such a good swimmer these days, and it was pretty impressive watching her hop over each wave on her way out to greet Daniel.  The last time we were here was in October and Daniel wasn't able to join us then due to work.  So this is his first time at the beach with Zoe, but definitely not the last.

I really enjoyed seeing the two of them together.  At times I'd have to put my camera away and head out to join them.  After a while the waves started to get pretty big, so we'd lure Zoe back to the shore.  I thought about getting a boogie board or a small float we can place Zoe on.  Maybe next time.  And let's face it, would that not be hilarious to see a dog on a boogie board?

We plan on checking out a few more secluded beaches next time.  I hear Matagorda is quite beautiful this time of year.  I hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend as much as we did.  :)

Get out and have some fun this weekend

And enjoy the warmth of the sun!

Wordless Wednesday (exactly one year ago today...)

...Zoe met her best friend

Morning walk to the lake

We got quite a bit of rain yesterday so Zoe was stuck inside for most of the day.  So of course first thing this morning I took her out for one of our long walks to the lake.

Any place with an open field and water to swim in makes her quite pleased.  Can you blame her?

Now, why I couldn't get her to sit still like this is the Bluebonnets a week ago is beyond me.  

Happy Tuesday friends!  Are you counting down to the weekend like we are?




Hi, I'm Alison and I have an 1 year old black lab mix named Zoe. She was found wandering around by herself near a highway at just 5 weeks old. While her story begins sad, she has had nothing short of a spoiled, happy and healthy life since coming home with me and my boyfriend.

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