Wordless Wednesday

Dog sitting round 2

My neighbor had to go out of town for a few days for work, so of course I offered to watch Sunny and Daisy for a few days again.  They seem pretty content this time around.  Although I can tell that Sunny misses her human very much.  Luckily she will be back tomorrow morning.

We hope your week is going by smoothly!

Wordless Wednesday

Puppy Sitting

For the last three days I've been watching Daisy for my good friend.  I've forgotten how exhausting it is having a puppy around.

Zoe and Daisy can't seem to get enough of each other.  They play non stop!  And they are both very vocal while playing.  Oy!

The good thing is after a few hours of constant playing, they start to tire each other out.

And I finally get some peace and quiet.

Is this what it's like owning two dogs?

Wordless Wednesday

"Do I have something on my head?"




Hi, I'm Alison and I have an 1 year old black lab mix named Zoe. She was found wandering around by herself near a highway at just 5 weeks old. While her story begins sad, she has had nothing short of a spoiled, happy and healthy life since coming home with me and my boyfriend.

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