When there's rain there's mud

Zoe was a ball of energy this morning when we met our neighbors out in the courtyard.  I guess she was upset about being stuck inside all day yesterday due to the rain.

Sad panda

We are finally getting a good thunder storm in Katy, TX.  The only one not happy about it is Zoe.  She's been giving me sad panda faces for a couple of hours now.

Good morning at Millie Bush Bark Park

Yesterday morning I took Zoe out to our favorite dog park, Millie Bush Bark Park.  It's only a 20 minute drive for me so there's no excuse not to go.  All I have to do is mention bark park and Zoe is chasing her tail in excitement.

She is getting so much better at fetching, as long as I don't throw the toy too far.

We love how she leaps into the water every time.  I'm just not always able to get a good picture of it.

Since this park has two huge dog lakes, we like to take full advantage of both sides of the park.  There always seems to be more shade on the far right side.

On our way out dark clouds started coming our way and we did actually get a little bit of rain.  Hopefully we will get more soon along with cooler weather.

Wordless Wednesday

My bone is my bone

Zoe can never turn down a good rawhide.  Don't be fooled by those vicious teeth though, because she will share.

This is the life.

Just another day after a good swim at the dog park.

Wordless Wednesday

The love of a dog

"With eye upraised his master's look to scan,
The joy, the solace, and the aid of man:
The rich man's guardian and the poor man's friend,
The only creature faithful to the end."

Wordless Wednesday

George Bush Park is on fire

Just after 3:00 P.M. this afternoon, George Bush Park caught fire.  My thoughts are with the fire fighters tirelessly working to keep us out of harms way.

A hot day at Bill Archer Dog Park

Kelley and I have wanted to check this park out for a while now but I'm not so sure it was worth the wait.  I just wasn't feeling it today but It could have been due to the heat, and the ants.  Or, possibly the strong smell of urine that hits you as soon as you enter the gate.

At least the dogs were happy.  I guess that's really all that matters at the end of the day.

They do however have restrooms, an agility course and possibly the biggest small breed dog park that I've ever seen.

New friends

Zoe is such a social butterfly.  She is always making new friends, which is great because it helps us get to know our neighbors.

This is Hurley and he is only 4 months old and almost weighs as much as Zoe.  I think he is going to be a big guy.

He still has puppy teeth and I couldn't help but laugh when Zoe was getting annoyed with his puppy behavior and biting.  She sure does love the Goldens, and there is no doubt in my mind that once she is much older we will get one.

Fun times in the Courtyard

Such a happy Lab!  The weather has been so great lately and it's giving Zoe twice as much energy.  While there was a cloud of smoke in the air this morning due to all the wild fires, it cleared up nicely by this afternoon.

We obviously don't live in a house, so we don't have the luxury of a private backyard but luckily we do have this beautiful Courtyard that our apartment faces.  In the evenings we come out with a few other neighbors and their dogs and let them run around and play.  If only we had our own dog park in the complex.

Try to keep a water dog away from water!  I did have to make her get out of the fountain before anyone saw us.  A house with a pool is definitely in our future.

Wordless Wednesday

Beautiful day at Millie Bush

We are finally starting to get cooler weather in the South and we are taking full advantage of it for sure.  My neighbor and I loaded the dogs up in the car and headed for Millie Bush Bark Park.

They wasted no time getting into the water, and it's much colder now but still Zoe loved it.

You'd think she wanted me to hop in and join the fun.  "What are you doing standing around?  Come play!"

Of course I forgot to bring one of her water toys, but sticks did just fine for today.

Ah, Sunny!  The Golden Retriever that doesn't retrieve.  She will however sniff your car for drugs.

Zoe always finds one dog she can really be herself around.  These two had a bit of a wrestling match in the shallow end of the water.  I always keep a good eye on her when she does this though for safety reasons.

It was a good day and I'm so happy Summer is over.  Fall is on it's way!

We're exhausted!

After a long weekend filled with food, family and fun we are dog tired.

We hope you are enjoying your Labor Day weekend

Zoe and Sunny sure are.  My neighbor Kelley and I took them out to Pawm Springs Dog Park in Sugar Land yesterday, but I forgot my camera so I don't have pictures.  Fail on my part I know.

So Instead you can just enjoy these lovely photos of the two of them playing in the Courtyard at our Apartment complex.




Hi, I'm Alison and I have an 1 year old black lab mix named Zoe. She was found wandering around by herself near a highway at just 5 weeks old. While her story begins sad, she has had nothing short of a spoiled, happy and healthy life since coming home with me and my boyfriend.

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